As I was told might happen, there was some subcutaneous (below the skin) fluid buildup. I saw Veronica, she drained it, and I will see her again next Tuesday. She said the buildup is not dangerous in any way, especially since I am already taking antibiotics for the infection around the drain site. THAT infection has gone way down, thank goodness, and now all I feel is a bit irritated around the drain site. There is no more tape of any kind on my chest, that certainly feels better than before.
I asked about resuming yoga, and Veronica said, "Not yet."
Last night we celebrated the end of Passover with a pizza, and our friend Dan was here too. Marshall was exhausted, so we decided to hit the hay and get up at the butt-crack of dawn, 6 am, to complete the process of returning the everyday dishes etc. to the kitchen. It really did take 3 hours to finish, and when Kristi came to help us clean it looked basically done.
The weather is so gorgeous. I am going to put on my hiking boots and take the dog for a walk - she's been lounging on my chaise in the garden, in a stupor from the sun, for the last few hours.
Now that my hair is really growing in, and there's a lot of it, I've had a chance to examine my face and hair thoroughly. I like the way my face looks now (overlooking wrinkles and dark circles around my eyes) with so little hair around it. All of a sudden my eyes are more prominent. They had gotten lost in the midst of all that hair. (I used to have long, very curly hair.) I'm thinking seriously about keeping my hair very short - just covering my head and not much more. I know the guys in my house will object, especially Heshy. Since he was born he was always able to comfort himself if he had some of my hair in his hand. Hmmmm
Pray for continued good weather, and Shabbat Shalom.