Judith's Breast Cancer Blog

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Just got up from a nap

I hate sleeping during the day, I always wake up feeling strange. But I am tired enough to require the nap, so it goes.

I saw Rachel, the breast care coordinator at Kaiser, and she has arranged for my disability income to continue. Thank goodness, because there's no way I could go to work right now.

I am having a Chanukat Habayit, or dedication of the house, this Sunday evening. We'll be placing the mezuzah on the door, it's a short ceremony, and according to Jewish custom (law?), it needs to happen within 30 days of moving into a new home. (I moved on June 25.) The cover for the mezuzah travelled all the way from Venice for me, Steff brought it home from a recent trip. It's incredibly beautiful - special Venetian glass.

Last night Kelly and I walked 2.75 miles, including the trip up Trestle Glen from Norwood to Park Blvd, which is a decent grade all the way through. It's so nice to walk with someone else who loves to talk, and her dog is adorable and has the time of his life with new smells and new lawns to investigate.

The boys come back tonight, and then Avi will be going to his best friend Asher's this Shabbat. I know that Heshy really enjoys having a parent's complete attention, and that is just what he'll get from me from Avi is away.


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