Judith's Breast Cancer Blog

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Three miles tonight

Kelly and I have decided that we will walk together, along with her adorable dog Zari, every evening we are both available. The walking was good, even though she can take the hills faster than I can.

And we talked, some fluff and some serious stuff. What a treat for me to be able to connect in a meaningful way with someone outside of my community!

I contacted Rachel, the breast care coordinator at Kaiser in Oakland, and she has agreed to put the extended disability forms through on my behalf. Thank goodness. I will stop by with the form sent to me with my last check, and then soon, I hope, money will come.

Tired in the morning, tired at mid-day, asleep on the couch at 4. Somehow I have to find a way to integrate the tired part into my day without feeling like there's stuff I should be doing. I keep remaking my to-do list, and I did get a couple of things done today.

Working in Mill Valley tomorrow, and this time there will be no rush since the boys are not with me. I'm hoping to take in a literary reading in Corte Madera in the early evening. I guess some napping in the car is in order.

When I saw the landlord this evening he asked me how I'm doing, how I like it here in my new place. I told him that I love it, and that's the truth.


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