Judith's Breast Cancer Blog

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Quiet and peaceful

Well, except when Heshy gets excited over something and uses his very-high-pitched voice. I'm sure everyone in this building AND the building next door is already tired of his screeching. We are working on having that a lil toned down.

Bella is confused, peeks into every room before entering, was hiding under my bed before. She's nervous, I'm sure - as long as she's lived with us, 2+ years, it's been in the place I just left. She's still going to be there half the time, that is until Marshall decides to move. She is the one in our family with no ability to process the splitting up and backing and forthing. I'm sure she also misses the garden where she could have access to chill or to do her business anytime. She gets walked a LOT more here.

Still unpacking, still forced to use the cannabis and Dialudid combo to be able to relieve the continuing pain in my legs. Thank G-D it those two work together so beautifully, otherwise I'd be in bed all day, no kidding. Of course I only get pain relief, no euphoric response.

A piece of furniture I just bought 2nd-hand is being delivered this afternoon. The manager of the non-profit shop is a friend of mine, and I know this stuff comes from the best households.

Everything so much easier here, I don't know how to explain it well. Things are working correctly and I get to decide, along with the boys, what we'll be eating each meal. Now that I've been drinking 3 glasses of milk a day (see the Milk Board's ads) we go through a LOT of milk.

I am calm, I am extremely relieved and happy. Time to wash the car - I have two helpers, it should go quickly.


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