Judith's Breast Cancer Blog

Monday, July 24, 2006

Heat survival techniques

Mine from yesterday was to use my gift cards from Beth & Bath and Target, thereby spending serious blocks of time in the stores where the air conditioning was working just fine. By the time I got back home it was time to nap, and I was able to do so, thankfully. Kelly and I decided to take a night off from walking, and tonight hopefully we'll be out on the streets again. I checked out how far I'd gone on Saturday, one thing and another, and to my surprise I had walked over 4-1/2 miles!

On Saturday a friend of mine told me that Marshall had gotten into a loud altercation with someone at the early evening surface (thank goodness I wasn't there to witness it) and another friend added that there was a first loud altercation on a nearby street earlier in the day right in front of my children.

I wish no one had told me any of this. I feel tied up in knots about knowing this stuff at all - not that any of it was a big surprise - and while Marshall's actions are certainly no business of mine anymore, it worries me that this sort of thing is happening. And some of it was in front of my kids, not appropriate behavior for a grown man.

It's all been on my mind ever since these stories were told to me, and tomorrow I plan to discuss my strong reaction with my therapist.

But there is a nagging issue left open - why in the world would anyone force me to listen to a story like this? When the first friend started up with his story, I asked him to stop, no really stop. He justified not stopping by saying that I need to know about it in case anyone should ask me.

NO. I don't need to know about anything having to do with Marshall, unless Marshall chooses to tell me himself. I prefer not to be in the loop, if anyone else should try to tell me bad stuff about Marshall, I'll just leave the room and not allow anyone to hurt me that way any more.


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