Judith's Breast Cancer Blog

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Radiation Rash

That's what I've got now and it's driving me nuts. Apparently radiation given daily can cause a rash which is red and itchy and bumpy and spreads to other parts of the body. The folks at the radiation center mentioned this might happen, and suggested using hydrocortisone topically. They also said that they will prescribe something stronger if needed. It's needed now. When I go for my treatment in the morning I will get just such a prescription. After tomorrow's treatment I have only 2 more to go. Yippee!

The boys are here. Avi goes to his friend in the city for a long weekend, and on Monday Heshy flies by himself (for the first time) to auntie camp down south. So I'll have a couple of days alone with Heshy, then a few days alone with Avi. We're all looking forward to the time we can spend this week with each other, without the boys together.


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