Judith's Breast Cancer Blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Chelsea Afternoon

Emptying endless boxes, I finally found my stereo. Hooked 'er up, opened the CD top to see if it was empty, and found a Joni Mitchell disk with all my favorites. Sun streaming in the window, breezes finding their way inside, sounds of folks getting home after work , and all I can do is sing along . . . I do really love this new apartment of mine.

The curls in my hair are back, darnit, I was hoping for more than 5 minutes of straight hair. When we were kids, Sheila would try hard in vain to get a little wave in her hopelessly straight hair and all I wanted was straight hair just like hers. Mine didn't really get wavy until I was 5 or so, and the all-over curl is only since puberty. Now that it's growing back I can honestly admit that, while I didn't mind being bald exactly, I missed my beautiful hair. On the other hand, since my hair was going anyway it's sure nice to be able to see my face clearly for the first time in my life. And that's not just about hair.

The boys come home to mama tonight, and while I do miss them I'm surprised at how much I miss Bella! She's shown me she misses me when I'm there, but I've only been there for a few minutes Mon. and Tues.


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