Judith's Breast Cancer Blog

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Good china packed and moved already

Kelly came over around noon, as planned, and by 2 we had (I should say she had, since she wouldn't let me lift a thing, sweet girl that she is) quite a number of boxes, maybe 10, plus the box with the kitchen table, in her SUV and then into my apartment. Gladys, the landlady, was there and the guys were painting.

I met two other tenants in the building as they were washing their vehicles - Holly and Franco. They were very friendly, and just rowdy enough for me to want to know them better.

I feel much more optimistic now than I did this morning. Talking on the phone to my dearest friend Cindy in Philly, who just returned from her European honeymoon cruise, did the trick and the tears were falling for me. Once I get them started I can flush it all out of my system. That left me with the emotional wherewithal to pack all the good dishes.

I am so very blessed by the outpouring of support from friends and relatives through all of my trials and tribulations. It was a magnificent day, and I think tomorrow will be too.


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